A Simple Start in Chalk Pastels on the iPad mini 2

“…my kids are quite smitten with Nana and chalk pastels, both! One of my twins asks to do them about 10,000 times a day.” 
– Sarah Mackenzie, Read Aloud Revival
“In someways it’s like watching Bob Ross, just for kids!” – Dawn Peluso

“From age 30(+ a few) down to my newly 4yo, our entire household is enjoying chalk pastels. It’s the first time in my life I’ve ever considered that I might fit the “you ARE an artist” tagline! I’m so thankful for having found you for my kids and myself!”– Maria Toomey

On Instagram…

“This is the quietest my kids have been all day! They concentrated on their American history chalk pastel pieces. I love this program! It allows me to intentionally include art with our studies yet frees me up from being the teacher!” – Maureen Spell

“”Oh mama, I never thought I could love art more! But, now I do!” Smiley, my little Bob Ross-wanna be, after our first lesson with Chalk Pastels: Art at the Beach. All the boys (3,6,8,12,14) were able to do this homeschool art lesson together. This homeschool mama is thrilled! We all had such fun working on this project and can’t wait to do another tomorrow.” – Amy Milcic

“Easy enough for your smallest one that is able to hold a piece of chalk, challenging enough for high schoolers and adults. No need for expensive supplies – head to your local mart or craft store and get the chalk that fits your budget… Go- This. Will. Bless. Your. Family. I Promise! Nana and Tricia do all the work, you just gather your little ones.” ~ Angie at Petra School

“As an art teacher and the owner of Harmony Fine Arts, I appreciate the simple beauty of the new chalk pastel book from Nana and Tricia at Southern Hodgepodge.  The clear tutorials make each lesson easy to accomplish with stunning results from even the youngest of artists.  Even for older students, the tutorials teach valuable skills and techniques which can be applied to any chalk pastel project.  I love thesprinkling of recipes and the photos that share the closeness this family has achieved by simply pulling out art supplies at the kitchen table, learning together side by side with their beloved Nana.  Thank you for the wonderful gift of an ebook that can inspire and nurture a love of art in all of us.”  ~ Barb McCoy – Owner, Harmony Fine Arts

chalk pastel ebook is phenomenal - Erin ChaseWhat a pleasure it has been to review Tricia Hodges’ new book, A Simple Start in Chalk Pastels! I have been a fan of her art tutorials for quite some time, finding them to be wonderful additions to unit studies and family fun. The broad range of topics makes this a book that you can use throughout the year. 

Amanda Bennett quoteThere are step-by-step lessons on how to use chalk pastels to draw tornadoes, beach scenes, winter fun, trees, hot chocolate, and much more. The chalk pastels are so simple to use, making art easy for kids of all ages. Inexpensive and wildly successful art adventures are easy with this collection. A Simple Start in Chalk Pastels is one that the kids will keep asking you to use again and again—learning at its best!” ~ Amanda Bennett – Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett

chalk pastel 3“Ok, I have to tell you, I am NOT an art teacher… not even close.  The most my kids ever do with art is maybe a hands-on history lesson with coloring pages and some minor drawing.  I have now ventured into teaching them art WITH NANA!  We completed lesson one in pastels this morning, and it was fabulous!  She is inspiring a love of art in a family that knows nothing of it!  Thank you so much for sharing your precious mother with us all.” ~ Lori Lange, homeschool mom of five @ Abnormal Herd

“What I appreciate about these lessons is that they are short and easy to complete. You do not have to be an artist to explain to your child how to do the project! After doing these art projects, I realize that I need to get at least one more set of chalk pastels. The girls are enjoying these lessons so much!” ~ Maureen, Spell OutLoud

“When the pastel chalks are pulled out at our house, there are squeals of excitement.  Smudging is one of our children’s favorite parts of the process, but mine is definitely seeing the completed projects that are a result of these fabulous tutorials.” ~ Jolanthe Erb, Homeschool Creations

A beautiful pastel -)“My children love art.  As a busy homeschooling mom, I appreciate art lessons that are easy to implement AND produce stunning projects. Chalk pastels are the perfect medium to accomplish both goals!  Tricia and Lucia have done a splendid job sharing simple, step-by-step directions for oodles of chalk pastel lessons which will result in amazing artwork – even for those who don’t believe they are artistically talented.  (Believe me.)” ~ Cindy West, Owner, Shining Dawn Books and author of NaturExplorers series

“When I saw that a preschooler could do it-maybe there’s hope for me-the most ‘uncrafty, artsy, homeschooler’ of all time.” ~Kimberly Harrell

“I have not done too much art with my kids in our homeschool because I have zero confidence in my abilities and was always frustrated in high school art class.  But I am so appreciative of the detailed instructions and am so happy to see how they turn out each time- we’ll be coming back time and time again to use your lessons! “ ~ Calina Mayo

Raising Lifelong Learners“All of the kids have asked to bring the chalk pastels out every day since…and when he asked me on a Saturday morning if he could use the iPad to pull up some of Nana’s tutorials, I was thrilled. He got so into the artwork that he invited his friend, Obi Wan, to join him, and then created mini versions of his artwork to make it look like his action figure painted with the pastels, too.” ~ Colleen Kessler at Raising Lifelong Learners

