Van Gogh and Handel Art and Music Appreciation


This unit was designed so children of all ages can participate in art and music appreciation in your family. You will love to study Vincent Van Gogh in your family’s artist studies. There is just so much to learn! If your family would like a simple to use plan to get started with your own Van Gogh artist study, we would love to introduce you to the Homeschool Fine Arts Van Gogh and Handel Unit. These plans make it easy for you to offer quality artist study with simple activities and follow up notebook pages.


These easy to use art and music appreciation lesson plans are perfect for your homeschool study of Van Gogh and Handel!

These plans feature one composer and one artist for you to study for 6-9 weeks in your homeschool. They are designed to be flexible and appropriate for all ages of children so you can use one plan with everyone in your family.

  • Suggestions for including art and music appreciation using Vincent Van Gogh’s artwork and George Handel’s Water Music.
  • Color wheel activity to introduce complementary colors.
  • Short follow-up activities for each painting using common art supplies.
  • Suggested study plans for your composer study with links to online listening and follow-up activities and notebook pages.
  • 7 custom notebook pages, 6 coloring pages.
  • 29 pages. 

PDF download

Please Note: This homeschool fine arts curriculum includes suggestions for including Nana’s video art lessons but her art lessons are not included in the pdf. Because of the nature of digital products, we do not offer refunds. All sales are final.

*Homeschool Fine Arts curriculum is designed for use by one family. Please see co-op information under the Start Here tab.