You can use these art lessons in your homeschool to draw through the Resurrection story and to teach the Easter story in a colorful and memorable way.
We spend weeks preparing and anticipating Christmas. We tell and retell the stories of the people and places of Jesus’ birth. And yet, Easter seems to come up suddenly. Maybe it’s because Easter weekend moves around the calendar, or maybe because it is preceded by Lent which is more solemn.
I decided I wanted to spend as much time anticipating the Resurrection with my children as we did the Incarnation. Both are beautiful events in our faith. Both bring a sense of wonder and awe. The Resurrection is special because it shows “God with us,” and God victorious for us!
In the preschool years I’ve used several hands-on lesson materials to teach my boys the rich symbols and meanings of the Resurrection.
Now that they’re older, I was delighted to see‘s series of lessons featuring Resurrection themes! Using these lessons, we could “paint through” the Resurrection Story in a colorful and memorable way.

Draw Through the Resurrection Story with Kids
Here are a few ideas for using chalk pastel lessons in your homeschool to teach the Resurrection with kids. You could use these ideas in your homeschool, in a Sunday School, or for home church or family devotional time. Perhaps spread them through the Lenten weeks, or use them for a concentrated study during the Holy Week.

Come into His Presence with Singing
The Resurrection events begin with joyous praise of the arrival of Jesus the King! Join in Hosannas with your children as you paint a simple picture of palm branches. If kids are interested, paint several, and lay them along a hallway to act out the Triumphal Entry.
Palm Branch Art Lesson
Sing a traditional hymn like “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” or a modern Hosanna worship song.

Observe the Last Supper / The Lord’s Supper Art Lesson
Older kids may enjoy painting Jesus at The Last Supper. My eight-year-old finds it challenging to draw people, so it was easier for him to draw The Lord’s Supper lesson. I love how the Chalk Pastel lessons offer a range of levels to pick from.
Churches often hold communion or Lord’s Supper services specifically at this time of year. This lesson is a great chance to discuss the meaning of the bread and wine to prepare children to understand what they see at a communion service.

Prayer in The Garden of Gethsemane
My oldest painted the scene of Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. Talk with your children about the power of prayer to help us follow God’s Will and have peace through difficult times.
Read through the biblical account in Mark 14:32-42 or Luke 22:39-46 and have a time of prayer together.

Hope in Calvary’s Crosses – Homeschool Art Lesson
Although this scene represents a dark moment for the disciples of Christ, we know the end of the story. The Calvary’s Crosses lesson uses vibrant pink paper and sunset colors to show the hope and joy found in Christ’s sacrifice.
Sing the hymn “At Calvary,” which also tells of the great mercy and lifted burdens to be found at the cross.

Rejoice! The Stone Rolled Away For Easter Homeschool
There is perhaps no more joyful scene to paint than the empty tomb with the stone rolled away. Kids can share their joy in the Resurrection by painting bold strokes of light radiating from the tomb.
I especially like to read the Matthew 28:1-8 account of this scene because kids love hearing about the earthquake and the angel of the Lord looking like lightning. This passage connects with the bright lines they painted streaming from the empty tomb.
Play a YouTube version of “Christ the Lord is Risen Today, Alleluia”! Kids can enjoy the music as they hang up their artwork and sing along!
Or choose Nana’s Up From the Grave He Arose Easter Hymn Study and Art Lesson here.

Find Peace in the Easter Lily
Lilies are often mentioned in the Bible, and the Lily chalk pastel lesson gives an opportunity to share the gospel with your children. The white petals symbolize freedom from sin. The trumpet shape signals the message that Christ arose. The beautiful flower that arises from a dead-looking bulb is a picture of Christ being buried and rising again.
Finishing a walk through the Resurrection with a lesson on lilies brings the story to a close with peace and beauty.

Easter Morning Art Lesson – A Joyous Celebration
The beauty and awe of the women at the tomb on Resurrection Day come to life as kids draw this radiant morning! Find out more in Easter Art Activities.

Celebrate and share your Draw Through the Resurrection Story artwork!
Whenever my boys complete a chalk pastel lesson, they are happy to show and share it. I love that my kids can grow and express their faith through their drawings.
As your children complete each draw through the Resurrection lesson, hang your pictures for all to see. Perhaps in a picture window or front door. Share the love and hope of the Resurrection with friends and family through art!
If you’re looking for more ideas to celebrate the Resurrection with your children through art, check out our “Big Picture” Resurrection project. Plus we have a pretty cool idea for blessing your neighbors with art, love, and a message of hope – using chalk pastels! Just click to see the ideas!

By grabbing a Complete Clubhouse Membership, your whole family can get access to all of the art tutorials I mentioned.
New Testament Bible, Easter and hymns art lessons are all included in the You ARE an ARTiST Complete Clubhouse. Enjoy making some beautiful memories with your children as you draw through the Resurrection story with art tutorials! Plus our new I Drew It Then I Knew It companion Easter workbook for Clubhouse subscribers!

With our Easter Companion Guide, you will get multiple planners, a book recommendation list, fast fact sheets, and overviews to work through our Easter art lessons. Our new Easter Companion Guide paired with a Complete Clubhouse Membership is the perfect way to incorporate Easter into your homeschool or church-at-home.
You will also love Nana’s Disciples of Christ series in the Artist Clubhouse. These pair perfectly with your Easter, Lent, Bible study and even The Chosen TV series!

Julie is a teacher, writer and homeschool mom. Her blog Happy Strong Home shares encouragement for cherishing children, enjoying motherhood, and growing strong families. Discover homeschool resources, natural living tips, and family activity ideas. Julie has been featured on Million Praying Moms, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, and the Melissa and Doug blog. She offers writing workshops and a “homeschool neighborhood” community to support parents in their homeschool adventures. Find Julie on Instagram to be the first to know when new workshops and community events are available.