What if I told you You ARE an ARTiST offers Easter activities perfect for tweens and teens and suitable for all ages? Nana also has a brand new art lesson appropriate just for your tween or teen!

Finding Activities For Tweens and Teens Can Be Difficult
Because teens and tweens have different needs than younger children, finding activities to meet their needs can be difficult.
Tweens are budding teens. Tweens develop and desire independence and begin to have a maturity with deeper thoughts and conversations. At the same time, they don’t completely put away their childlike toys; horses, dolls, light sabers, Legos to name a few. But a mother will notice that they will gradually begin to lose interest. They are in the ”in between” stage.
Teens have complete independence in many ways (they definitely still need their parents’ guidance), are able to tackle more challenging activities, and in some areas, take on a more grown up role. For example, taking on jobs, driving, leading worship at youth groups.
“…but the things of childhood will slip away from her. The little girl loses interest in her play world. She who did play whole days with her dolls now leaves them in their little beds whole weeks at a time.”
Mable Hale, Beautiful Girlhood p. 20
I remember a particular Easter weekend, when my four children five and under piled into our vehicle to head to Grandma’s house. My fourth, a mere three weeks old, experienced his first road trip and looked so tiny tucked in his car seat. His older siblings, full of eagerness, fidgeted in the backseat, asking the famous question, “are we there yet?”.
Momma, tired from packing all day and feeding baby every few hours, couldn’t wait for everyone to meet her little squishy bundle of joy. She was thankful for her husband as he knew she felt exhausted, and helped pick up any pieces she missed for this trip. Little did momma know how quickly these precious days would become fond memories. Little did she know how quickly those four little faces would change throughout the years.
Upon arrival at Grandma’s house, the sweet aromas of freshly baked pies greeted us with a warm welcome. Grandma’s hand sewn apron gave subtle hints that she worked hard all day as she hugged us at the door. Aunties prepared tables with special plates, cups, and silverware passed on from generations. Grandpa, uncles, and dads placed extra chairs around tables and brought in firewood to keep us all cozy. Those little feet, belonging to cousins, rang a chorus of “pitter patter” as they excitedly anticipated all the Easter goodies and activities.
These were the days when my children giggled enthusiastically at my silly faces. These were the days when I could scoop up a few children with a twirl and hear them chuckle without restrain. These were the days when they would beg for an Eric Carle or Karma Wilson read aloud at bedtime.
Presently, the quad finds embarrassment when I dance down the aisle at the grocery store. I couldn’t pick one up for a twirl if I tried. Although they still love picture books and a good read aloud, they have moved onto the classics of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R Tolkein.
This adventure from childhood to youth happens so quickly, and my mother’s heart wants to keep their childlike ways a bit longer. But it’s impossible to make time stand still even for a moment. Children will undoubtedly walk through the stages of their growing and maturing years; with the teen and tween years holding their own noticeable hallmark.
And, we can help them transition with activities designed with them in mind!
5 Easter Activities Perfect For Tweens and Teens
With Resurrection Day approaching, are you searching for Easter activities that fit perfectly for both age groups?
“And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat on it. His countenance was like lightning, and his clothing as white as snow.”
Matthew 28:2-4
As Easter approaches, we must quiet our hearts and have a time of reflection on Jesus, His life, and His ministry. As Paul David Tripp writes in his devotional, New Morning Mercies, “In love He beckons you to follow. Again, today, He promises you life. It’s what He came to live, die, and rise again to give you. That empty tomb not only means He has conquered death, but it tells you He has life in His hands…”
Resurrection Morning Easter Art Lesson
What a sweet Savior we have who paid it all by willingly giving His life on that cross….and rising again so we could have life abundantly in Him. Let’s recount this glorious day with Nana and paint absolute JOY, as she shares her heavenly concept painting, Resurrection Morning. Bursting with warm and soft colors, join Nana as she takes you into the twilight of the morning, and recreates “the joy both Marys found going to Jesus’ tomb on Easter morning”. This most beautiful, treasured scene is Nana’s depiction of one of her favorite childhood Bible stories found in Matthew 28.
Companion New Testament and Easter Guides for Your Homeschool
Another precious way to slow down and reflect on Jesus this season is to paint the magnificent miracles He performed, the Washing of His Disciples Feet, the Last Supper, and the Garden of Gethsemane. Nana’s art lessons pair beautifully with Chalk Pastel Art’s I Drew It Then I Knew It New Testament Companion Guide. By using the Companion Guide, you will have a calendar, book resources, an overview for each subject of study, five facts, and detective work, right at your fingertips! This makes for easy prep time!
Disciples of Christ Easter Activities
To take your child’s learning a step further, The Disciples of Christ Unit Study for Your Homeschool, is perfect for preparing hearts and minds for Easter. This engaging unit study about the twelve disciples also complements Chalk Pastel Art’s I Drew It Then I Knew It New Testament Companion Guide.
Children will glean from Nana’s engaging art lessons on the apostles: Matthew, James, John, Andrew, and Peter. Nana also discusses each disciple in her art lessons too! What more could a homeschool mom ask for? In Courtney’s post, she comprises a list of ideas to include in this rich, Biblical study. Incorporating her ideas easily makes this study multi-disciplinary by exploring geography, history, math, genealogies and so much more!
Crown of Thorns Art Lesson
A few simple colors is all you need for the Crown of Thorns. Nana shows you how to paint the crown of thorns by using a weaving technique. This lesson has served as a reminder of the pain and mocking he endured before he went to the cross. “When they had twisted a crown of thorns, they put it on His head, and a reed in His right hand. And they bowed the knee before Him and mocked Him, saying, ‘Hail, King of the Jews!’” Matthew 27:29
Three Crosses on Calvary Art Activity
Join Tricia as she recreates the three crosses on Calvary with a majestic Easter sunrise. This simple art lesson is a beautiful reminder of Christ crucified and everything Jesus endured on the cross for our sins.
“There they crucified Him two others on each side and Jesus in the middle.”
John 19:18
The Stone Rolled Away Art Lesson
The heavy stone has been rolled away! Paint “sunbursts of joy” shining from an empty tomb. This beautiful scene portrays Jesus’ resurrection and the conquering of death! Hallelujah! The Stone Rolled Away Clubhouse “so they went out quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy…” Matthew 28:8
Interested in More Easter art lessons?
Here are even more Easter art activities perfect for your tweens and teens:
- Easter Lily
- Palm Branch
- Easter Cross
- The Garden of Gethsemane -this one is wonderful for Good Friday
- Jesus Washed Disciples Feet
- The Last Supper
- Rainbow Cross
“But the angel answered and said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.”
Matthew 28:5
Looking For More Engaging Activities For Tweens and Teens?
In Julie’s post, she explains step by step how to draw your way through the Resurrection Story. Julie includes Bible verses to complement the paintings, hymns, and ideas to engage your child and make this special time memorable with art!
Interested in a hymn study? Dawn shares hymns perfect for Resurrection Day and art that pairs so gorgeously with those wondrous, life-giving words.
If you are ready to start planning for your Easter art lessons, join Courtney as she provides resources and tools to make this special time memorable with your children of all ages!
These Beautiful Easter Nature Studies are another fun and hands on way to celebrate the resurrection!
Picture Books for Easter
I love the beauty of weaving Biblical art with our Bible stories. The Easter art with Nana provides such rich visuals to complement all of the books. Here are a few favorites:
God Gave Us Easter
God Gave Us Easter in another stunning picture book by Lisa Tawn Bergren! In this story, Little Cub and Papa Bear explore the meaning of Easter. Papa Bear shares our need for a Redeemer explaining Noah’s Ark, the sweet forgiveness Jesus gives, and how our beloved Savior keeps His promises. The soft colored, beautiful illustrations are by Laura J. Bryant.
The Easter Storybook
The Easter Storybook by Laura Richie (a homeschooling mom) is a wonderfully written and illustrated book describing who Jesus is. This picture book contains 40 Bible stories beginning with Jesus in the temple, Luke 2 and ending with Jesus sharing with His beloved disciples, that He is with us always, Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; and Acts 1. The 40 stories are short with beautiful illustrations by Ian Dale.
An Easter Basket Filled With Love
An Easter Basket Filled With Love Sharing the Joy and Grace of Jesus by Susan Jones. There is a special countdown, a countdown that awaits an Easter celebration. The animals of the forest set out carefully decorated baskets, and the entire village fills the baskets with gifts of love! Duckling awakes to one day left to this special Easter celebration. But Duckling’s day isn’t the best day she’s ever had. She left her homework out in the rain, expresses her words in a way that hurts her friends’ feelings, and doesn’t complete the task her mom asks of her. Duckling’s momma encourages her to pray and talk to God, then inspires her to place her basket out for the celebration. Because of the outcome of her day, she doesn’t think anyone will want to fill her basket. Duckling is quite surprised the next morning at the Easter celebration and learns a little bit more about Jesus and His grace.
An Easter Gift From Jesus: His Love Lifts Us Up
An Easter Gift from Jesus His Love Lifts Us Up by Susan Jones. The signs of spring are making its arrival, and Little Owl knows Easter is on its way! Little Owl’s forest friends decide to gift Jesus with a hot air balloon. They work together to make this wonderful gift. While putting together Jesus’s gift, the forest friends run into challenges. They are reminded of the internal- “It’s not how fancy the balloon is- it’s what’s inside that counts.” Susan Jones. An Easter picture book by Forest of Faith books that brings the gentle reminder of how we need Jesus’s love!
Nana has so many valuable Easter art lessons. Each one is appreciated as they reach beyond the surface of our children’s hearts and minds. Art has a way of slowing us down. Art encourages us to relish in the beauty of colors, and inspires creativity. I hope this Easter brings you joy as our Savior’s death and resurrection is remembered with reverence and awe.
Jamie is the author of A Brown Bear’s Language Arts Study, a literature-inspired homeschool mom of eight, and a former educator. She enjoys a bookshelf bursting with colorful picture books and children’s stories of all genres. Indulging in a read aloud with all of her children around her is one of Jamie’s favorite moments of her days. Be sure to find Jamie on Instagram and visit her blog, Treasuring the Tiny Moments Homeschool, to be encouraged by all her learning adventures with her wonderful family.