These 12 delightful farm art activities for kids include fluffy baby chicks, a tractor, a barn, ducklings, a lamb, a cow, a piglet and even the chicken life cycle. Such fun learning for your homeschool!

While you can do a farm study anytime, spring is an extra special time on the farm. Spring is when new plants grow, and baby animals are born. My children love watching the baby chicks grow into big fluffy chickens.
Planting seeds and then watching with wonder each day to see if they have sprouted. Then seeing them get a little bigger each day is magical for children (and adults).
“Encourage your child to have muddy, grassy or sandy feet by the end of each day, that’s the childhood they deserve.”
~Penny Whitehouse
Farms, Farm Animals, And Curious Kids
Children learn so much about science, life cycles, empathy, caretaking, and the intricacy and wonder of God’s design through studying farm animals and life on the farm.
It is a topic that is rich with education but so much fun that it doesn’t even feel like school. It gets them outside and involved in real life and awakens the wonder of new life and discovery that has them observing with all of their senses.
If you can’t have a farm in your backyard, you can visit a local farm or even stop by your local farm store to see the baby chicks and rabbits.
12 Delightful Farm Art Activities For Kids
Even if you live in the city and can’t take a field trip to the farm, your children can experience the joy and wonder of farm life and animals through these incredible art lessons and fun farm-themed literature.
Barnyard Preschool Course
The Barnyard Preschool Course is one of my very favorite courses. This course contains several simple but adorable farm lessons, including:
- a tractor
- several different barnyard animals
- a chick
- a barn and silo painting.
They can be done separately or combined to make a big farm scene. Once my son had tried the lessons, he had a wonderful time putting the different components together to make new farm scenes.
Baby Animals Art Lessons
The Baby Animals continuing series is an excellent option with lessons for painting baby animals, including:
- a lamb
- a cow
- a piglet
These lessons are still simple and easy to follow but have more detail than the preschool course.
In addition to the other farm animals, the Baby Animals course in You ARE an ARTiST Clubhouse membership includes an adorable baby ducklings lesson that includes three baby ducks splashing in the water.
Earthworm and a Chicken Art Lesson
Learn more about how insects can benefit the farm and garden, and then enjoy the earthworm lesson from the Backyard Nature course. The earthworm lesson includes some adorable earthworms crawling around in the dirt and a chicken hunting for the worms to include in your farm study.
Fun Three Little Chicks Homeschool Art
The A Simple Start in Chalk Pastels course includes a Three Little Chicks lesson, an adorable painting of three very simple baby chicks. This is perfect for a spring farm study, easy enough for your preschoolers, and fun for the whole family.
Chicken Life Cycle for Your Farm Art Activities
If you want to get even more scientific with your art study, Nana has a new lesson that shows the life cycle of a chicken from egg to hatchling to chick. It also shows the rooster and the hen and how the process starts all over again when the hen lays a new egg. These are more detailed than the baby chicks in the other courses.
Charlotte’s Web Art Activities
Last but not least, I am not sure any farm study would be complete without one of our favorite children’s books: Charlotte’s Web. This post will help you incorporate art and literature with Charlotte’s Web. It includes some fun tea-time ideas and a companion workbook to help you go deeper in your literature study.
More Art Activity Resources For Kids
If you have enjoyed all the farm-themed resources, you can keep your science and art learning with some of Nana’s other fun lessons.
There are many great science lessons to accompany the chick life cycle lesson in the science course. There are diagrams of the heart and eye, flower diagrams, periodic table lessons, and so much more. It is a great way to incorporate art into your science lessons.
The Garden Nature course will give you some fun insects and plants that you might find in your garden. There is a ladybug, honey bee, corn, watermelon, and more.
If you enjoyed Charlotte’s Web, check out the literature course in the You Are An Artist Membership.
Dawn is a passionate follower of Jesus, wife to Chris, and homeschool mom of four. In her spare time she loves to read, hike, and write on her blog Schoolin’ Swag. She enjoys reviewing curriculum and helping moms find the right fit for their family.