These bumble bee activities for kids include nature study ideas, fun facts, and so much more. Everything you need for a great study.

What do you think about when you hear someone mention bees? While some people worry about their stings, bees are fascinating and beneficial creatures.
While honey may be the benefit that comes to mind first when you think of bees, their role in pollination is vital to many of our food sources.
To the untrained eye, it may appear that they just randomly fly here and there, finding flowers. However, God gave them the ability to communicate with one another via an intricate dance. They tell each other where the flowers’ location and the quality of the flowers through this dance.
photo by Dawn Peluso
Fun Facts and Bee Knowledge
Two million flower visits make a pound of honey.
The bees fly 55,000 miles back and forth to bring that honey.
Bees also eat from just one type of flower each day (which assists with pollination). Much of our food supply depends on bees and other pollinators, and the intricacy of their design always points me back to their creator.
A great way to spark interest in bees (or take your bee study further if your child is already interested) is to watch the bees in their natural habitat using a live stream of a honey bee hive.
Once you have introduced bees, you can add in some fun art and nature study activities to keep the learning going.
Bee Art Activities For Kids
Sunflower and Bees is one of my favorite summertime art lessons. It is a beautiful painting of sunflowers with bees flying around them.
Bees are crucial to gardening, and Nana has a fun Garden Map painting that works well for any bee study.
In addition to art lessons that focus on the science and nature of bees, add fun literature and art studies with Winnie the Pooh. That beloved bear who so enjoyed his honey is a fun addition to any study on bees. Nana has some great art lessons for Winnie the Pooh, and many other fun ideas are in this Winnie the Pooh post.
“The only reason for being a bee is to make honey. And the only reason for making honey is so I can eat it.”
– Winnie the Pooh
Bee Nature Study Activities
The Summer course in the Homeschool Nature Study membership has an excellent bee study for kids that will help you with resources and activities for your bee study. There is also an awesome list of Bees and Bumble Bees Nature Studies to enjoy.
To expand your nature study even more, you can check out these other topics included in our sister membership, Homeschool Nature Study. (Did you know if you are a You ARE an ARTiST Clubhouse member, you can get 50% off a Homeschool Nature Study membership?)
- Sunflowers (Enjoy the Great Sunflower Project)
- Pollen
- Yellow Jackets and Mud Daubers
Tricia and her children each picked a different type of bee and learned more in their Bees and Buzzy Insects nature study.
Final Thoughts and Encouragement
As you are outside playing or walking this summer, take a few minutes to look for the bees. You can often find them flying from flower to flower as they work. Point them out to your children, and then expand their knowledge with art and nature study.
Bees are a wonderful study any time of year, but during the summer, it is a fun way to sneak in a bit of education in a way that feels like fun. Children are naturally curious about the world around them. Using art and nature study can help further that natural curiosity and creativity.
Dawn is a passionate follower of Jesus, wife to Chris, and homeschool mom of four. In her spare time she loves to read, hike, and write on her blog Schoolin’ Swag. She enjoys reviewing curriculum and helping moms find the right fit for their family.