The world treasures Sir Winston Churchill as a soldier, statesman, orator, author and Prime Minister to the King of England and his daughter who now sits on the throne as the longest serving monarch the world has ever known. But do you know about the famous artist Winston Churchill?

“Just to paint is great fun. The colors are lovely to look at and delicious to squeeze out. Matching them, however crudely, with what you see is fascinating and absolutely absorbing.”

– Winston Churchill
The world treasures Sir Winston Churchill as a soldier, statesman, orator, author and Prime Minister to the King of England and his daughter who now sits on the throne as the longest serving monarch the world has ever known. But do you know about  the famous artist Winston Churchill?

Learn About Artist And Prime Minister Winston Churchill

This YouTube video version of Nana’s Podcast is a great introduction to Winston Churchill.

In his later years in retirement, he described his paintings as “duels” with intimidating canvases as a battle of wills, which could finally be won with a display of forceful, brilliant colors…and said, with a sigh, “I rejoice with the brilliant ones, and am genuinely sorry for the poor brown colors.”

Step Into History With The Art Of Winston Churchill

Step into history with us as we see how a great British statesman found a source of delight and a relief from the stress of his career. He proudly painted in oils and pastel chalks, producing over 550 paintings, helping him to hone his powers of observation, memory and visual acuity.

Winston Churchill Quote. "Just to paint is great fun. The colors are lovely to look at and delicious to squeeze out. Matching them, however crudely, with what you see is fascinating and absolutely absorbing."

Additional Resources For Studying Famous Artist Winston Churchill

Enjoy painting Sir Winston Churchill after listening to Nana’s podcast!

Don't miss this fabulous Great Britain Themed Art which includes Churchill, Queen Elizabeth II, Big Ben, a map of the British Isles, WWII helmet and more!

Don’t miss this fabulous Great Britain Themed Art which includes Churchill, Queen Elizabeth II, Big Ben, a map of the British Isles, WWII helmet and more!

Nana is passionate about helping you realize you ARE an artist! Not only an artist with chalk pastels but with homeschooling, creative spaces, favorite family recipes and more. Nana also enjoys chatting – especially about art. If you have followed along with any of her You ARE an Artist video art lessons, you know that. She also enjoys sharing photos and thoughts on topics while she is being creative in her studio space on her back porch. That is where she will be chatting with you – from her back porch. It’s Nana’s You ARE an Artist Podcast!

-Special thanks to Erin Vincent and her artists for the beautiful photos. Be sure to visit her at Nourishing My Scholar.

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