Fabulously Funny Folk Tales with Art Perfect for Your Homeschool History
We all love a fun story, don’t we? Enjoy fabulously funny folk tales with art and watch your homeschool history come to life! Fabulously Funny Folk Tales with Art – An…
We all love a fun story, don’t we? Enjoy fabulously funny folk tales with art and watch your homeschool history come to life! Fabulously Funny Folk Tales with Art – An…
The start of a homeschool year has always been an exciting time in our home and the perfect chance to add new art Activities. Kick off the new shool year with…
Learning to read with art embraces more than meets the eye. Let’s take a peek at these creative sight word activities for your homeschool. It’s a fun activity for the whole…
Fine arts credits are required in most states for high school graduation. Are you looking for compelling ways to satisfy this requirement in your homeschool? This quick guide has everything you…
Who doesn’t love themed days? Certainly not Taco Tuesday!! I’m sharing 5 Tips to Start Fine Arts Friday without overwhelming your homeschool schedule. Fine Arts Friday is an easy way to…
Here is a tooth diagram activity for homeschool science that will make you smile! There probably aren’t two people who love smiles more than a dentist… and a teacher! As homeschool…
Make your homeschool a little more beautiful with literature, art and nature study! Explore the beloved picture book, Miss Rumphius, with Sarah, Nana and Tricia. What a FUN way to celebrate…
Here are some wonderful homeschool learning ideas with August art activities to help you stay cool! Are you enjoying the the dog days of summer? Maybe you’re looking for some boredom…
There are so many ways to integrate art into your homeschool! Use this guide to fun art projects to add a beautiful layer of learning and joy to your homeschool. Art…
Use these medieval history lessons as a multi-dimensional way to bring history into full color for your children in your homeschool! Medieval History Lessons In Your Homeschool Why is medieval history…