This fun Star Wars chalk pastel teatime with Nana is the perfect way to celebrate your kiddo’s love for all things Star Wars! The Star Wars-themed lessons are super easy to follow and are ideal for all ages. All you need is a simple set of chalk pastels, construction paper, and Nana’s video art lessons! Add in some tasty treats, and you have a teatime even a Wookie would love!

Have you introduced the awesomeness of Star Wars to your kiddos yet? I admit my son has loved Star Wars since he was a little fella of about three years old. Over the years, he’s dressed up as many of the characters for Halloween or just because he felt like it. I even created a paper Star Wars Inspired Cootie Catcher to determine if he was a Jedi, Sith, Wookie, or a Droid!
We’ve had a lot of fun over the years incorporating Star Wars into our lives. And why not? It’s an epic set of movies with a long list of books to go with them!
My daughter, on the other hand, has never been interested in Star Wars. She has always been a princess, butterflies, and ponies type of girl. She was much too sensitive to even think about watching lightsaber battles or Death Star explosions. That is, until recently, when she heard the family talking about the epic scenes and backstories revolving around Star Wars.
She was curious and wanted to know what the big deal was.
Was there a princess?
Yes, there is a princess! And she’s tough! There’s also a queen!
She was intrigued and wanted to see the first movie.
Introducing the Star Wars Movies To Your Kiddos
We started with A New Hope, and she was instantly hooked! She wanted to watch the next one immediately. She NEEDED to know what happened next! So, we watched The Empire Strikes Back and then Return of the Jedi. She loved them!
But where was that queen I had mentioned?
Awe, she’s in the movies that take place before Luke and Leia were even born. Those are the movies that tell you how Darth Vader came into being.
“I HAVE TO WATCH THOSE MAMA!” she exclaimed.
You should have seen the look of absolute shock when she finally realized in Attack of the Clones that Padme Amidala was Luke and Leia’s mother. Or that Anakin Skywalker was their father and destined to turn to the Dark Side!
Folks, we now have another Star Wars fan in the family, and she is only eight years old!
Star Wars Homeschool Teatime Treats
Imagine my delight when I discovered that Nana has 12 different Star Wars chalk pastel lessons! It was perfect timing! I decided to celebrate our newest family nerd; we would have a Star Wars chalk pastel teatime complete with Star Wars-themed treats!
*It actually took us several days to accomplish all of Nana’s Star Wars chalk pastel lessons. Luckily we had plenty of leftover treats!*
The Sarlacc Cake
The Sarlacc was the sand monster out in the desert planet Tatooine in Return of the Jedi. We created this horror with a lemon cake baked in a Bundt pan. We poured a lemon glaze over the top, and then the fun began. We used sliced almonds for the teeth, two Pringles gave us our beaked mouth, and yellow Twizzlers pulled apart were our tentacles. We then dusted the whole thing with pulverized graham crackers to look like sand! Lego figures finished off the look. This cake was a HUGE success!
Star Wars Chocolates and Cookies
We knew we wanted sugar cookies and lightsaber pretzels for our chalk pastel teatime. These were pretty easy to make, though the cookies were a bit tedious to decorate. We made them the night before.
We already had silicone Star Wars jello molds from years ago. So, we used those to create white chocolate heads of Boba Fett the Bounty Hunter, Storm Troopers, and Yoda!
Poor Yoda was the first one to go! I’m told he was incredibly delicious. We just added a little food coloring to make him green.
We even made a Darth Vader chocolate. Unfortunately, we didn’t have black food coloring or even regular chocolate, so he remained white. Still, the kids thought these white chocolates were quite tasty!
Homeschool Star Wars Art for Kids
Nana did a wonderful job of showing us how to easily create our own:
- Baby Yoda – Mandalorian
- BB8
- Chewbacca
- Princess Leia
- C3PO and R2D2
- Darth Vader
- Last Jedi
- Stormtrooper
- Millennium Falcon – Solo
- Death Star
- Star Wars Rise of Skywalker
- Yoda
Granted, my daughter took some creative liberties. She likes to remind me that Nana always says that SHE is the ARTIST! And that is so true!
You ARE AN ARTiST Clubhouse Membership For Online Homeschool Lessons
Did you know that Chalk Pastels at the Movies is a bonus for You ARE An Artist Clubhouse Members? Chalk Pastels at the Movies offers all your favorite book and movie character art lessons at your fingertips. Here are just a few:
- Angry Birds
- Baseball and Bat
- Bruce of Finding Nemo
- Cars Mater and Lightning McQueen
- Cat in the Hat acrylic
- Chalk Pastels and Children’s Books
- Charlie Brown Christmas
- Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
- Coca-Cola
- Harry Potter Firebolt Broom
- Harry Potter Great Hall
- Harry Potter Illustrated video series
- Harry Potter Lightning Scar
- Harry Potter Snitch
- Harry Potter Sorting Hat
- Harry Potter Wand
- How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World
- How to Train Your Dragon
- House for Hermit Crab
- Incredibles
- Jurassic Park – Dinosaur
- Lentil
- Little Engine That Could
- Madeline
- Mary Poppins
- Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel
- My Blue Boat
- Narnia
- Pete the Cat
- Peter Pan
- Seuss Truffula Trees
- Tangled Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon)
- Mr. Whiskers
- Penguins of Madagascar
- Star Trek
- Stopping By the Woods on a Snowy Evening
- Veggie Tales – Josh and the Big Wall
- Very Hungry Caterpillar
An Epic Family Teatime
I just loved introducing the Star Wars movies to my daughter! Now she can be a part of our Star Wars jokes and references. It also gives her and her brother a common interest! But most of all, I love how we were able to celebrate the finishing of the movies with this epic family teatime that wouldn’t have been complete without our beloved chalk pastels!
Darth Vader Online Homeschool Art Lesson
Enjoy Nana’s Darth Vader Chalk Pastel Art Lesson with your May the 4th Be With You celebration – or any time! Find more Star Wars videos here. May the force be with you!
Suggested supplies: black construction paper and ALL the chalk pastel colors! Be sure to share a photo of your painting and tag us on social media.
Planet Surface Live Art Lesson with Nana
On May the 4th at noon EDT, Nana will premiere a live lesson for our You ARE an ARTiST Clubhouse members. Join the Clubhouse to participate. Replay available!
Erin is a writer, blogger, and homeschooler to two intense kids. Her blog is filled with information to help you explore a child led education while making meaningful connections with your children. Discover favorite read alouds, seasonal books, games, art projects, hands-on activities, and learn to just breathe through the ups and downs of life. She loves nature, farm life, good books, knitting, new pens, and hot coffee. Erin is a contributing writer for Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers. Her work has also been featured on Simple Homeschool and Book Shark.