A chalk pastels bird study with Nana is a wonderful way to introduce bird art lessons in your homeschool. Chalk pastels are perfect for preschoolers to adults. They are super easy to use with no long art supply list needed. You’ll love adding these vibrant birds to your next homeschool nature study or in preparation for the Great Backyard Bird Count!

Each year we do a homeschool nature study of birds in anticipation of the Great Backyard Bird Count! We incorporate all sorts of Backyard Biology resources including books, games, bird feeders, binoculars, and even owl pellets! This year we’ve also added a chalk pastels bird study with Nana to the mix!
Chalk Pastel Birds for Your Homeschool Nature Study
We always set the table for our chalk pastel “teatime” with Nana. It’s our tradition to serve a hot beverage and a sweet treat anytime Nana enters our home. Which is often. Actually, we have to differentiate between “chalk pastels” Nana and my mom who is also called Nana! It’s a delightful problem to have. But it goes to show just how important and how often chalk pastels “Nana” visits us…which is every week!
*keep paper towels and wet wipes handy in case of spills*
Trust me, they do happen, as do chalk hands and chalk dust!
Also, it’s OK if your kiddos don’t make their birds look exactly like Nana’s. She’s always very encouraging about making our paintings our own. And boy, do we! Especially my daughter. She loves pink and purple…AND she decided that some of our backyard birds are actually flying mounts for her fairy garden friends.
Yep. Check out that flowing purple hair!
Embrace the creativity and silliness, folks!
You ARE AN Artist Clubhouse Membership for Your Homeschool Lessons
Because we have the clubhouse membership, I’ve decided we’ll do several bird lessons per week leading up to the Great Backyard Bird Count! We are doing a little mini-study on each bird as we go. With the chalk pastel You ARE An Artist Clubhouse Membership you’ll have access to 700+ art lessons including these:
- owl
- cardinal
- goldfinch
- hummingbird
- hummingbirds at the feeder
- chickadee
- robin
- sandpiper
- bluebird
- cardinals in snow (try for FREE)
- fall blue jay (try for FREE)
- goose
- eagle’s nest with eagle family
- John James Audubon
- bird nest
Homeschool Bird Lessons In Acrylic By Nana
You’ll also have access to Nana’s acrylic bird lessons if you’re interested in acrylics!
- wren on teacup
- bluebird
- titmouse
- nuthatch
- bird’s nest
- baby bluebird in a birdhouse
- blue jay
- cardinal
Additional Homeschool Nature Study Resources
Remember to add in Nana’s lesson on Audubon to your homeschool mix! John James Audubon was the famous ornithologist, naturalist, and painter that documented all sorts of American birds in their natural habitats. He also identified 25 new species!
In fact, there are so many ways to combine a homeschool bird study with art. Maybe a seasonal study, the Great Backyard Bird Count, Apologia’s Flying Creatures, nature study and more. You can have an I Drew It Then I Knew It homeschool bird study.
Enjoy a Fall Bird Study with the Outdoor Hour Challenges at our sister site, Homeschool Nature Study.
Chalk Pastels Homeschool Bird Study with Nana
Identifying and counting the birds in your backyard is a great way to get to know the wildlife that you share your neighborhood with. Drawing those birds adds a multi-sensory approach to learning which is proven to help children not only learn more effectively but retain what they’ve learned long term. Chalk pastels are perfect for adding to your next homeschool nature study or bird study. The clubhouse membership made it super easy to search for the art lessons we wanted, and Nana is always fantastic at reminding us that, “We ARE Artists!”… birds, fairies, and all!
Erin is a writer, blogger, and homeschooler to two intense kids. Her blog is filled with information to help you explore a child led education while making meaningful connections with your children. Discover favorite read alouds, seasonal books, games, art projects, hands-on activities, and learn to just breathe through the ups and downs of life. She loves nature, farm life, good books, knitting, new pens, and hot coffee. Erin is a contributing writer for Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers. Her work has also been featured on Simple Homeschool and Book Shark.