Perfect for commemorating spring, Nana’s spring homeschool nature study with art explores all creatures great and small and all things bright and beautiful! These nature-inspired art lessons are easy and fun for the whole family!

Spring is in the air, folks! We are starting to see the first crocus pushing up through the cold earth and the first jonquils are starting to bud. Isn’t it exciting to witness the first peeks of spring?
All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.Each little flower that opens,
Cecil Frances Alexander
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colours,
He made their tiny wings.
Free Printable All Things Bright and Beautiful (Full Poem)

Spring Nature Study For Your Homeschool
These two stanzas of Cecil Frances Alexander’s hymn inspired our spring art celebration last week. Our winter has been so cold and grey, that we just couldn’t help diving into rich colors of pinks, purples, yellows, blues, and red! Does anyone else feel more invigorated when exploring worlds of color? My kids and I sure do!

We started by setting the table with a pot of hot tea and our teacups. I didn’t have it in me to bake this week and that’s where premade snack cakes come to the rescue!
We scattered our chalk pastels across the table and pulled up our Chalk Pastel Clubhouse Membership to see what Spring-themed lessons were available and holy cow were there a load of lessons to choose from!

Online Homeschool Art Lessons For Spring
With the You ARE AN Artist Clubhouse Membership you’ll have access to ALL of these Spring inspired art lessons for your own spring art celebration:
- Garden bunny
- Rabbit in the Forest (Green Ember Gala)
- Shamrock
- Rainbow
- Jonquil in a glass of water
- Vivaldi’s Spring Tree
- Spring tree reflection
- Rain
- Bird’s Nest
- dandelion
- green anole
- ant
- chipmunk
- hummingbirds at the feeder
- lightning bug (or firefly)
- snail
- forest path
- red-eyed tree frog
- eagle’s nest with eagle family
- rat snake
- deer in the forest
- bear

That’s not all! Here were even more wonders of nature to explore with your chalk pastel lessons:
- honey bees on sunflower
- bunny
- ladybug
- caterpillar
- the pond
- turtle
- bullfrog
- dragonfly
- water strider
- beaver
- rainbow trout
- goose
- owl
- cardinal
- goldfinch
- hummingbird
- chickadee
- robin
- sandpiper
- bluebird
- lamb
- piglet
- kitten
- puppy
- seal pup
- baby bluebird
- cow
- baby owl
- dinosaur
- Plus, so much more!

Spring Art Teatime
We started our spring art celebration with a garden bunny because we often see a bunny in our front yard. My daughter loves to observe the little guy and now she has her own cottontail to hang on her bedroom wall. She even gave her bunny a garden with growing carrots and cabbages to enjoy! I love that Nana always reminds us that WE ARE the ARTISTS.

Creativity And Storytelling In Your Homeschool
Let your kiddos explore their creativity as much as they want with chalk pastels! Instead of a single jonquil in a vase, my daughter created a whole pitcher full of flowers! When we were drawing our long neck dinosaur, she was creating a whole Cretaceous time period scene in which there were Pteranodons and cliffs! Or how she painted a lovely firefly fairy queen instead of a plain firefly. Even her spring tree had the added bonus of a bird’s nest with a father and mother bird anxiously awaiting the hatching of their baby chicks. She told me these elaborate stories as she drew each unique painting, and I listened in wonder.
Through her art, she is also a storyteller!

Chalk Pastel Art for Kids
Chalk Pastels are so easy to use! All you need is a simple set of chalk pastels, a pack of construction paper, and Nana’s video art lessons. Make it a chalk pastel teatime treat if you like by setting the table with flowers and your favorite tea set. Keep a roll of paper towels handy as spills do happen. But the memories made will outlast any spill or smudge.

A Spring Homeschool Nature Study
Cecil Frances Alexander’s hymn reminded us of the wonders of nature, and all the beauty there is to be found. My children reminded me that art is a glorious way to celebrate any occasion including spring. Now, our refrigerator and bedroom walls are bursting with color and new life as we eagerly await the season of rebirth.

Nature Observation Homeschool Printable
A bonus for members to accompany all of Nana’s nature art lessons, perfect for your spring homeschool nature study.
Here is an educational resource and companion to our I Drew It Then I Knew It Series and nature art lessons. Our All Things Bright and Beautiful nature observation and investigation printable is a handy resource to accompany Nana’s nature art lessons and is a complement to your nature curriculum.
The Nature Observation Printable includes:
- Observation and Investigation
- Research Ideas
- Observation Recording Area
- Notes Section
Only available with You ARE an ARTiST Clubhouse membership, it is downloadable and printable.

More Spring Homeschool Ideas
You might also like these spring homeschool ideas with art and nature!
- The Beauty of Art, Music and Nature in Your Homeschool
- Art and Nature Study in Your Homeschool
- March Homeschool Art Activities

Erin is a writer, blogger, and homeschooler to two intense kids. Her blog is filled with information to help you explore a child led education while making meaningful connections with your children. Discover favorite read alouds, seasonal books, games, art projects, hands-on activities, and learn to just breathe through the ups and downs of life. She loves nature, farm life, good books, knitting, new pens, and hot coffee. Erin is a contributing writer for Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers. Her work has also been featured on Simple Homeschool and Book Shark.