Fine arts credits are required in most states for high school graduation. Are you looking for compelling ways to satisfy this requirement in your homeschool? This quick guide has everything you need to add fine arts credit for your high school transcript.

High School Fine Arts Credit
When I first began planning for high school in our homeschool, I was surprised to see that fine arts credits were required for a diploma in our state. I knew I would need to figure out science labs and literature. Adding fine arts at home was something I wasn’t sure how to teach with an older child.
To be honest, I wasn’t even totally sure what counted as a fine arts course.
Fine arts is typically defined as “a visual art created primarily for aesthetic purposes and valued for its beauty or expressiveness”.
The Free Dictionary
Fine Arts Classes For Teens
In addition to needing to define what fine arts really means at the high school level, I also struggled with finding courses or learning opportunities that made sense for an older learner.
It seemed like everything I stumbled across would’ve worked perfectly when my teens were in elementary school. But now that it really mattered and needed to be recorded on a transcript? It was not easy to find the right curriculum for my oldest.
You Are An Artist For High School Fine Arts
It was You Are An Artist and Van Gogh that finally gave us a plan for high school fine arts. Because my son showed an interest in the life and art of Vincent Van Gogh, I began looking for resources to help him learn more about him.
We began with You Are An Artist’s Vincent Van Gogh study. After completing a lesson with Nana, we planned a trip to the immersive Van Gogh exhibit when it came to town. I ordered a few books for picture study. Eventually, I learned that You Are An Artist has an entire fine arts curriculum for high school and we were set.
I love the approach.
Visual art is not only the process of creating art. The education goes far beyond that. Visual art with chalk pastels also encompasses learning about art history, culture, nature, and more
You Are An Artist
It was clear that with You Are An Artist’s Fine Arts lesson plans, we had more than enough to create a learning experience that worked well for my son, and also met the requirements for credit on his transcript.
Fine Art Credit For Your Homeschool High School Transcript
If you are creating a high school transcript for your homeschool, it’s helpful to begin with an understanding of what your state requires. As I mentioned, most states, as part of their public school standards, include fine arts as a necessity for graduation.
While homeschoolers may or may not have to follow state standards (again, depends on your state), adding fine arts to your high school can, without a doubt, help create a well-rounded educational experience.
When it comes to transcripts credits, this is the general rule of thumb:
- .5 credit = one semester of study
- 1.0 credit = one school year of study
One credit is equal to about between 120-180 ‘Carnegie units’ (A Carnegie unit = 1 hour of instruction or 2 of practice). Use these guidelines to determine how to best award credit for your high school fine arts learning.
For more support, you may be interested in our Visual Art 1 Credit Planner and Tracker. The planner and tracker are also perfect additions to your portfolio if record keeping is required in your state.
More Resources For Homeschooling High School
Nana also offers an Online High School Fine Arts Program with 47 additional famous artists video lessons for your homeschool and 30+ courses, including:
da Vinci
Beatrix Potter
… and more!
These resources will help you get started, as you pull together your fine arts plan.
- Homeschool Art Curriculum for High School: Everything You Need For Your Teen
- Art Credit For High School
- Integrated Art For Homeschooling High School
A Complete Visual Art Curriculum For Your High School Homeschool
In addition, You Are An Artist has an entire fine arts curriculum for the high school years. It has flexible, easy to follow plans, and is worth a full transcript credit for your learner.