Over the years two things that I have made a priority to incorporate into our homeschool have been nature studies and art. I know how much I get rejuvenated when being outdoors and I wanted to provide a way that my children can experience that as well. I also love to incorporate art because it helps build connections between parts of the brain, builds creativity and can help develop persistence and focus. So combining nature study and chalk art has been a huge win-win for us.

Over the years we’ve done our nature journaling with various mediums– water colors, colored pencils, markers and crayons. I love to have the kids bring their sketch books and draw what they observe. But we don’t always have our supplies with us. And sometimes my kids aren’t enthusiastic nature journalers.
I have found though, that my kids love chalk art! When You are An Artist came out with nature study chalk tutorials– I was thrilled to be able to incorporate this along with our nature studies. Online art lesson great for nature journaling – what more could I ask for?
Online Art Lessons Great for Nature Journaling
While on a recent nature hike, we found several different snail shells. We cleaned them and got them ready for our nature collection. We pulled out a few books on snails and we also created a snail chalk art piece to go along with our mini-study. The best part for me was that I was able to participate with my kids instead of being the one teaching! 🙂
More Ideas for Art and Nature Study
- The Beauty of Art and Nature Study in Your Homeschool
- A Homeschool Nature Study with Winnie the Pooh’s Hundred Acre Wood
- The Beauty of Literature, Art and Nature in Your Homeschool
- A Pond Nature Study Your Kids Will Love!
- Easy Preschool Science Nature Journals (with free printable)
Video Art Lessons for Homeschool Families
Each video tutorial walks students through the process of creating their chalk piece. We usually watch the video first then go back and create while watching the video the second time. The best part of the video tutorial is that we can go back and pause when needed!
Nana shares some really fun ways to use chalk pastels for your nature journaling in video and the accompanying post!
While I love use chalk art tutorials to pair with our nature studies, I also use their American History, seasonal, literature and science chalk art tutorials too! Since my children know how the process works, they can play the tutorial and create an art piece without needing my help. Sometimes that little bit of independence is a great thing! 🙂 I also appreciate that all my children can work on this together– it really is art for the whole family.
The You ARE an Artist Clubhouse will give you access to over 800 art tutorials, weekly art lessons and occasional, special LIVE events. You’ll have an easy way to supplement art into your week via a multitude of topics. Check it out now! It could be exactly what you were needing.
And, if you love nature study and art like we do and would like the Ultimate Membership with both the You ARE an ARTiST Clubhouse membership AND 1/2 off Homeschool Nature Study membership, you can find out more HERE!
Maureen helps Christian mompreneurs operate their business from a place of joy, purpose, and excellence because they are clear on how their business is serving their family and others. As a homeschool mom, she believes success at home AND business without the mom-guilt, stress and burn-out is possible! Outside of work, she loves having good conversations over a hot chai or GT Gingerberry kombucha and spending time with her husband and seven children. Visit her at MaureenSpell.com