Now your kids can create The Lord of the Rings art with chalk pastels! Let Nana take you step-by-step with her video art lessons. All you’ll need is a starter set of chalk pastels and a pack of construction paper. Add in the books, movies, and some snacks, and you’ll have a homeschool art study to rule them all.

“One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.”
The Lord of the Rings
The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
Our family has had a love affair with The Lord of the Rings for many years. Ever since my son was five years old and bored on a very long car trip, that’s when I snagged the audiobook versions. Years later, he read the printed trilogy himself. We have loved to find any reason to watch the movies or start the audiobooks anew ever since.
See that paper garland hanging on our fireplace? That is the entire The Lord of the Rings trilogy!
We also have this incredibly annoying habit of quoting the movies out loud.
It drives my husband crazy!
How about that time with a blanket on shoulders and broom in hand, I declared in a booming voice, “You shall not pass,” for all to hear.
True story.
We even did a Hobbit chalk pastel teatime earlier in the year! It was such fun!
Bring The Lord Of The Rings To Life In Your Homeschool
“Not all those who wander are lost.”
The Lord of the Rings
When I asked my son if he was interested in Nana’s The Lord of the Rings literature art lessons, his eyes got as big as saucers as he said YES!
We got out our copy of the series and queued up The Fellowship of the Ring movie. We talked about our favorite parts and how the films differed from the books.
Like why was Tom Bombadil left out of the movies?
Usually, I’d create a chalk pastel teatime with themed treats, but my son was eager to start, so I served a simple tea with buttered toast. But we pretended it was “Lembas bread.”
An Adventure through Middle Earth
Nana led us on many adventures:
- A Visit to the Shire
- Going on an Adventure through the snowy mountains
- across the map of Middle Earth
- an up-close look at The One Ring
My son seemed to be in his dream world of fantasy, and at times he would snap out of it and say, “This is the best teatime ever!” Then, he’d eat another piece of buttered toast and drain another cup of tea. Somehow this simple tea was the perfect second breakfast for my young hobbit.
I think that is part of what I love about our You ARE An Artist Complete Clubhouse membership. I can easily find the lessons that resonate with my children. The lessons that speak to their interests and passions are always the most intriguing, and my kiddos learn and retain so much more with this hands-on artistic component.
Second Breakfast Art Lesson: Hobbit Day Celebration
Enjoy a Second Breakfast Art Lesson in watercolors by our resident watercolor artist, Jennie Ashbaugh. She shares, “In this tutorial, we will paint a Second Breakfast-inspired still life in watercolor, beginning with a simple pencil drawing. I’ve included a traceable drawing if you would like to make that step easier. We will use a few different techniques to build layers, create light and shadow, and add little details to make the painting more realistic.”
This lesson in available in the You ARE an ARTiST Clubhouse Literature course.
More Resources For Literature Study In Your Homeschool
With the You ARE An Artist Complete Clubhouse Membership, you’ll have access to 700+ art lessons, including exclusive access to You ARE An Artist Clubhouse Literature Video Art Lessons such as:
- The Hobbit – J.R.R. Tolkein
- Little Women – Louisa May Alcott
- Winnie the Pooh – A. A. Milne
- The Bible – How to Plan an At Home Bible Study with Art
- Stopping by the Woods – Robert Frost
- Beatrix Potter – author and illustrator
- Harry Potter – J.K. Rowling
- Anne of Green Gables – Lucy Maud Montgomery
- Heidi – Johanna Spyri
- Author and Artist Tasha Tudor
- The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
- Little House on the Prairie Covered Wagon – Laura Ingalls Wilder
- Little House on the Prairie Christmas – Laura Ingalls Wilder
- Excalibur – Merlin
- Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre
- A Christmas Carol – Dickens
- The Swing – Robert Louis Stevenson
- To The Woods – Thoreau
- Charlotte’s Web – E. B. White
- Green Ember – S. D. Smith
- Lamp Post – Narnia C. S. Lewis
- Eric Carle – Author and Artist
- Dr. Seuss books
- Ox-Cart Man – Donald Hall
- Apples to Oregon – A Oregon Trail Unit Study
- Secret Garden – Frances Hodgson Burnett
- Horace Pippin by Jen Bryant
- How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World – Marjorie Priceman
- Cranberry Thanksgiving – Wendy and Harry Devlin
- Christmas literature – including The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, A Christmas Carol, If You Take a Mouse to the Movies, Charlie Brown, The Polar Express and more!
It’s the power of adding art to homeschool literature lessons!
Chalk Pastel Art Lessons
After all the buttered toast was eaten and all the tea was drunk, my son sat back in his chair and proclaimed he needed to start re-reading the trilogy right away. Instead of The One Ring, this hard-bound version of the trilogy is his treasured “Precious,” although his new The Lord of the Rings chalk pastel paintings are now a close second.
Lord of The Rings Homeschool Resources
We love these resources to go with your Lord of the Rings Homeschool Study!
- Lord of the Rings book
- Lord of the Rings ‘Homebody’ mug by A Fine Quotation
- ‘One Ring’ ring necklace
- Lord of the Rings bookmark by A Fine Quotation
- Speak Friend and Enter sign
Erin is a writer, blogger, and homeschooler to two intense kids. Her blog is filled with information to help you explore a child led education while making meaningful connections with your children. Discover favorite read alouds, seasonal books, games, art projects, hands-on activities, and learn to just breathe through the ups and downs of life. She loves nature, farm life, good books, knitting, new pens, and hot coffee. Erin is a contributing writer for Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers. Her work has also been featured on Simple Homeschool and Book Shark.